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Executive Editor : Mark Szakonyi 202.872.1234 , mark . szakonyi @ spglobal . com
WEBCASTS joc . com / webcasts
The 2025 Trans-Pacific Shipping Outlook
On demand online
The eastbound trans-Pacific rebounded in a big way last year , and although growth is expected to moderate in 2025 , frontloading of spring merchandise ahead of tariffs threatened by President Donald Trump and an early Lunar New Year should keep cargo volumes and spot rates elevated into the first quarter . According to a December forecast from the National Retail Federation , US imports will rise 12 % year over year in January , fall 4.1 % in February as factories in Asia close for Lunar New Year , and jump 12.7 % in March , when factories return to full production . Carriers and their customers anticipate that the hostilities in the Red Sea that have steered shipping away from the Suez Canal to the much longer and costlier route around the southern tip of Africa for more than a year will continue for some time , and they have adjusted their supply chains accordingly . This webcast will analyze the impact these events will have on trans-Pacific shipping in the first quarter and beyond . https :// bit . ly / 42kkESn
FOTOGRIN / Shutterstock . com .
Prologis sees post-election rush for logistics real estate in the US
An increase in rents for industrial distribution space in the US is coming , even if it ’ s not just around the corner , executives at logistics real estate developer Prologis said Jan . 21 . https :// bit . ly / 4jCBNgm
Trade Policy : What a Second-Term Trump Presidency Means for Global Shippers
Feb . 6 , 2024 , 2:00 PM EDT
President Donald Trump ’ s second act promises to bring with it another set of changes to the tariffs US importers face on their goods sourced abroad . Trump already has warned Mexico and Canada about increased tariffs , while China is certain to be in the crosshairs . Questions about whether these threats are merely negotiating tactics or intentional policy changes intended to bring about changes in trade patterns will persist into the spring , if not longer . Regardless of the direction the tariffs situation goes , importers need to plan for change now . Will the second Trump presidency make importing from Asia less desirable , force sourcing to nations beyond China , or drive a North American manufacturing renaissance ? https :// bit . ly / 4h6DEIo
Top 100 Importers and Exporters https :// bit . ly / 3Vbpn4M
Shutterstock . com
US offshore wind industry braces for federal halt
Momentum is downshifting in the US offshore wind industry in anticipation of an executive order to halt development in the sector immediately after the inauguration of Donald Trump as US president . https :// bit . ly / 40GfkY6
Managing Editor : Benjamin Meyer 916.716.6272 , benjamin . meyer @ spglobal . com
Managing Editor : Kevin Saville , 212.488.4282 , kevin . saville @ spglobal . com
Senior Editors : William B . Cassidy Trucking and Domestic Transportation 202.872.1228 , bill . cassidy @ spglobal . com
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Shipper Engagement Manager : Annalee Witte , 317.941.8130 , annalee . witte @ spglobal . com
Shipper Engagement Manager , Breakbulk : Diana Hamm , 832.499.7368 , diana . hamm @ spglobal . com
Senior Editor , Special Projects : Alessandra Gregory Barrett , 860.248.5238 , alessandra . barrett @ spglobal . com
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Sales : Cindy Cronin , Director APAC sales , 954.260.6061
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TPM25 : March 2-5 , 2025 | Long Beach , California Breakbulk & Project Cargo Conference : April 23- 25 , 2025 | New Orleans , Louisiana Inland Distribution Conference : September 29-October 1 , 2025 | Chicago , Illinois
Journal of Commerce ( USPS 279 – 060 ), ISSN 1530-7557 , February 3 , 2025 , Volume 26 , Issue No . 2 . Journal of Commerce is published monthly ( 12 issues a year ) by JOC Group Inc ., 55 Water St ., 39th Floor , New York , N . Y . 10041 . Subscription price : $ 595 a year . Periodicals postage paid at New York , N . Y ., and additional mailing offices . © All rights reserved . No portion of this publication may be copied or reprinted without written permission from the publisher . POSTMASTER : Please send address changes to Journal of Commerce , Subscription Services Department , 55 Water St ., 39th Floor , New York , N . Y . 10041 .
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Peter Tirschwell , Vice President- Shipping Intellience , S & P Global
Chris Brooks , Executive Director- Shipping Intelligence , S & P Global
Carmen Verenna , Manager , Production
© 2025 Journal of Commerce — All Rights Reserved For more information , visit our website , www . joc . com .
8 Journal of Commerce | February 3 , 2025 www . joc . com