February 3, 2025 | Page 7

Chinese shipbuilders contributed only 5 % of global merchant tonnage produced in 1999 , that figure leapt to more than 50 % in 2023 , “ increasing China ’ s ownership of the global commercial fleet to 19 %, while securing control of 95 % of shipping containers and 86 % of the world ’ s supply of intermodal chassis , among other components and products ,” the report said . China ’ s control over the global commercial shipping fleet has been a hot topic of late in Congress . The White House report comes after the introduction of legislation seeking to expand the US-flag commercial fleet by more than 200 % in the next decade .
Sheila Fitzgerald / Shutterstock . com
enforceability of service contracts and the question of whether service refusals for some customers were a legitimate response to overwhelming demand during the COVID-19 era . In a pair of complaints that the FMC published in early January , Euromarket Designs ( the parent of Crate & Barrel ) and housewares and furniture distributor Nielsen & Bainbridge allege that a host of ocean carriers failed to honor service contracts with the two shippers between 2020 and 2022 , resulting in delays and a shortfall in expected cargo volumes . Along with an FMC investigation , the complainants asked for reparations from the carriers for the alleged violations . Representatives of the carriers did not immediately respond to these allegations .
Biden leaves China shipbuilding warning
The Biden administration , in a final salvo against China , accused the country of manipulating market policies and practices to gain an unfair advantage in global trade , including control of 95 % of the world ’ s shipping containers , “ China ’ s so-called ‘ socialist market economy ’ has evolved and turned decidedly predatory in nature ,” according to the Biden administration ’ s report . China ’ s business practices are particularly impactful for maritime trade , resulting in a boom for the country ’ s shipbuilding market . While
Moll exits FedEx Freight
Lance Moll , who has led FedEx Freight — the largest US trucking company — as president and CEO for nearly four years , will retire at the end of January , FedEx announced Jan . 17 . Moll will take an advisory role until July 31 to ensure a smooth transition , FedEx said in a statement that did not mention a successor . Moll ’ s departure comes as FedEx prepares to spin off its US less-thantruckload ( LTL ) division , a process that , according to a statement made in December , would take 18 months .
sockagphoto / Shutterstock . com

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36449 www . joc . com February 3 , 2025 | Journal of Commerce 7