Excellence of Ocean Quality
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E >< cellence Meets Carrier Quality
Building on the industry ' s strongest performance , most impressive logistics skills and unparalleled global resources , COSCO SHIPPING is working to bring the quality standards of ocean shipping to even higher levels . We ' ll do it by expanding upon the widest ranging coverage to offer even better end-to-end logistics solutions while accelerating the pace of digitalization through the use of evolving technology . Our commitment to our customers , that We Deliver Value , is made possible and measurable by remaining transparent and adaptable to the constantly changing qualities of commerce .
As the world ' s leading provider of shipping and integrated logistics solutions , we take the value proposition of our customers as our value pursuit . We will grow together . And , we will continue to create value for our customers .
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COSCO SHIPPING Lines ( North America ) Inc . 100 Lighting Way , Secaucus , NJ 07094 ( 866 ) 830-2550 cosco-usa . com