When supply chains need a relief valve
Leading the way
Commitment to zero emissions , renewable energy proves transformative
By Nicole Rollender
California has a long history of driving advancements for the climate and environmental sustainability . Its ambitious environmental goals have led the state to become the home of some of the world ’ s largest investments in clean energy and green transportation .
This year , the Port of Long Beach marks the 20th anniversary of its Green Port Policy . Officially adopted by the Board of Harbor Commissioners in January 2005 , the landmark policy has shaped the port ’ s approach to environmental sustainability . Its most significant achievements have been in air pollution reduction as a result of the 2006 Clean Air Action Plan developed in partnership with the Port of Los Angeles . In 2017 , the two ports ’ Harbor Commissions set new , ambitious goals for zero-emissions cargo-handling operations by 2030 and for drayage trucking by 2035 .
Concurrently , the California Air Resources Board ( CARB ) established swift , ongoing deadlines for ship emissions reduction . This presents a chance to reduce emissions within the state ’ s ports and across the maritime sector .
“ We ’ re aggressively pursuing zeroemissions operations for cargo handling and trucking by 2035 , which would make us the first zero-emissions port in the US ,” said Mario Cordero , CEO of the Port of Long Beach .
However , the path to zero emissions will require more electricity .
“ We ’ ve projected that by 2030 , we will need six times as much power from the grid ,” Cordero said . “ Given that projection , we ’ re also supporting the state ’ s renewable energy plans with our Pier Wind project .”
The proposed Pier Wind facility would be the largest at any US seaport specifically designed to assemble floating offshore wind turbines . Wind turbines built in Long Beach , and 1,000 feet tall , would be towed to designated wind farms off the Central and Northern California coasts .
“ This project would help California meet a goal of producing 25 gigawatts of renewable , offshore wind power by 2045 , reducing our reliance on fossil fuels ,” Cordero added .
The port ’ s latest annual emissions inventory report for 2022 found diesel soot has decreased 91 %, nitrogen oxides have decreased 63 %, and sulfur oxides have decreased 96 % compared with 2005 — despite a 36 % increase in cargo throughput .
Aligning with the zero-emissions goals of Long Beach and other West Coast ports , The Pacific Companies is partnering with Yusen Terminals to introduce new , zero-emissions equipment .
When supply chains need a relief valve
As the premier provider of cargo-handling equipment maintenance services , Pacific Crane Maintenance Company ( PCMC ) contracts with ocean carriers , terminal operators , port authorities to provide complete maintenance , repair and project-related services for all types of cargo-handling equipment .
Founded in 1990 , PCMC is the largest maintenance and repair ( M & R ) services provider to the maritime industry in the US , with over 1,000 International Longshore and Warehouse Union ( ILWU ) mechanics at various locations throughout the West Coast . It is also the M & R partner for Long Beach Container Terminal , the only fully automated terminal designed from the ground up on the West Coast .
PCMC is part of The Pacific Companies alongside Pacific Terminal Services Company ( PTSC ) and Ocean Alliance Logistics . PTSC has been key to the infrastructure supporting marine terminals in Southern California , including the 100-acre Pier S storage yard at the Port of Long Beach . Operated by PTSC in partnership with the ILWU , Pier S provides a relief valve for stakeholders in the port complex and supports the supply chains of major importers and exporters .
PCMC guarantees its customers that they are gaining an indispensable partner who is committed to getting the job done — and done right . Quality of service and prioritization of customer satisfaction is evidenced by the long-term nature of the company ’ s customer relationships .
For more information , contact PTSC at CustomerService @ ptscus . com .
54 Journal of Commerce | September 23 , 2024 www . joc . com