September 23, 2024 | Page 45


Investing in the future

Q & A with RoadOne ’ s Kendall Kellaway III

By Gary Wollenhaupt
The Commonwealth of Virginia has been increasing its status lately as a leading supply chain destination . Following the investment of billions of dollars into the port and its supporting highways , the Port of Virginia has become the second-fastest-growing port in the US of the last five years , according to analysis by PIERS , a sister company of Journal of Commerce within S & P Global . Infrastructure investments are also being made into enlarging roads connecting nearby logistics parks , along with the Central Rail Yard expansion at Norfolk International Terminal ( NIT ).
Approximately 1.7 million square feet of cross-dock capacity has become available near the port over the last two years , indicating both volume growth and deepening shipper supply chains through NIT . In addition , work was recently completed to widen the Norfolk Harbor Channels , allowing for two-way passage of ultra-large container vessels . Dredging of the Inner Channel — due to be completed in 2025 — will give the port the deepest , widest channels on the East Coast at 55 feet of depth from end to end and side to side .
In a recent discussion with Journal of Commerce , Kendall Kellaway III , senior vice president of commercial at RoadOne IntermodaLogistics , spoke about the dynamics that drove the company to make significant investments to better serve Virginia .
Kendall Kellaway III
Senior Vice President , Commercial , RoadOne IntermodaLogistics
Q : Evolving customer behaviors and the need for scalability have escalated the need for logistics service providers . What is RoadOne ’ s presence in the logistics service category ?
A : Over the years , RoadOne has become known as one of the largest drayage carriers in the nation , but we do so much more . We also provide single-source intermodal , transload and logistics services , supported by a national network of terminals and a robust fleet . Our services include brokerage , chassis management , transload dedicated fleets and regional truckload freight . We serve a wide range of shippers , beneficial cargo owners and third-party logistics providers .
We have built two transload facilities to serve the Port of Virginia and manage inbound and outbound shipments for some of the largest companies in the market today . We have approximately 100 trucks performing the drayage from the port to the facilities , and we handle the outbound regional truckloads .
Q : What are your plans for operations in Virginia ?
A : Our first transload facility with nearly 340,000 square feet is in operation . It ’ s located only six miles from the port , whereas most other facilities are 20 to 30 miles away in Suffolk . The second building , scheduled to open in early 2025 , will have nearly 230,000 square feet on a 41-acre campus with 1,000 spots for onsite parking . It ’ s located only nine miles from the Port of Virginia , so it will have a similar location advantage as our first building . The site was hard clay , which required an arduous process to build on , but we thought it was worth it to be closer to the port and the other distribution centers in the area .
Q : RoadOne ’ s transload operations have been growing steadily . How does the port support your overall corporate strategy ?
A : It ’ s the perfect site for our operations . We have seen the coastal transload trend www . joc . com September 23 , 2024 | Journal of Commerce 45