April 22, 2024 | Page 8

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Executive Editor : Mark Szakonyi 202.872.1234 , mark . szakonyi @ spglobal . com
Managing Editor : Benjamin Meyer 916.716.6272 , benjamin . meyer @ spglobal . com
Managing Editor : Kevin Saville , 212.488.4282 , kevin . saville @ spglobal . com
Container Shipping Outlook : The Asia – Europe Trade
April 30 , 2024 , 10:00 AM EDT
The Red Sea attacks that forced ocean carriers to divert Asia – North Europe and Mediterranean services around the southern tip of Africa allowed container shipping to address its two main challenges heading into 2024 : overcapacity and low rate levels . But five months after the rerouting started , the underlying challenges of overcapacity and downward rate pressure are reasserting themselves . There is more than enough available capacity to cover the demand on the Asia – Europe trades this year , even with the Red Sea crisis , and as soon as transits via the Suez Canal resume , rates will almost certainly collapse . This webcast will analyze these factors and more that will determine the course of the Asia – Europe trade this year . https :// bit . ly / 49xwp7K
Trucking Market : First-Quarter Review and Outlook
On demand , Free
The two largest sectors of the for-hire US trucking industry took different routes in the first quarter , with less-than-truckload ( LTL ) carriers speeding down the high road and large truckload carriers stuck on a muddy low road . LTL providers exited the freight recession in late 2023 as they gained revenue , freight and terminal capacity from bankrupt Yellow , enabling them to raise pricing . Truckload
FEATURED CONTENT companies are still struggling with excess capacity and face shipper demand for further rate cuts . Private shipper-owned fleets may be eating into their business as well . Where and when might a spark reignite even slower growth in demand for surface freight transportation ? How should shippers think about opportunities in the current freight market ? Our panelists will discuss these and other questions as we try to gauge trucking expectations for the remainder of 2024 . https :// bit . ly / 3VSWknj
Breakbulk and Project Cargo Outlook : Navigating Geopolitical Turmoil and Sharing Institutional Knowledge
On demand , Free
Geopolitical confusion , supply chain snarls and procurement challenges are complicating decision making and problem solving across the shipping spectrum , not least for project and breakbulk cargo shippers slammed with work and frustrated by seemingly endless turmoil . Security risks in the Red Sea , congestion in the Panama Canal , the unresolved Russian invasion of Ukraine , wobbly geopolitical relationships , fractured supply chains : what should the breakbulk and project cargo logistics community expect in this chaotic environment ? In this preview of his Breakbulk24 keynote , Laurence Allan , director of research , country risk analysis and forecasting at S & P Global , will share his view of top-line risks and what can be expected in the weeks and months to come . https :// bit . ly / 3TdGHDX
Senior Editors : William B . Cassidy Trucking and Domestic Transportation 202.872.1228 , bill . cassidy @ spglobal . com
Bill Mongelluzzo , West Coast 562.428.5999 , bill . mongelluzzo @ spglobal . com
Eric Johnson , Technology 213.444.9326 , eric . johnson @ spglobal . com
Janet Nodar , Breakbulk and Heavy Lift 251.473.2742 , janet . nodar @ spglobal . com
Greg Knowler , Europe + 44.797.679.8770 , greg . knowler @ spglobal . com
Ari Ashe , Southeast Ports , Intermodal Rail 202.548.7895 , ari . ashe @ spglobal . com
Associate Editor , Northeast and Gulf : Michael Angell , 646.505.4712 , michael . angell @ spglobal . com
Research Analyst , Project and Breakbulk Cargo : Susan Oatway , FICS , + 44.7930.411659 susan . oatway @ spglobal . com
Senior Contributor : Cathy Morrow Roberson , 732.730.2533 , cathy . morrowroberso @ spglobal . com
Data Analyst : Marcin Lejk , + 44.58.741.6270 , marcin . lejk @ spglobal . com
Shipper Engagement Manager , North America : Tammy Auld , 832.603.9163 tammy . auld @ spglobal . com
Shipper Engagement Manager , Breakbulk : Diana Hamm , 832.499.7368 , diana . hamm @ spglobal . com
Senior Editor , Special Projects : Alessandra Gregory Barrett , 860.248.5238 , alessandra . barrett @ spglobal . com
Senior Associate Editor , Special Projects : Ariane Herrera , 215.789.7478 , ariane . Herrera @ spglobal . com
Special Projects Coordinator : Amanda Hunter , 212.205.1226 , amanda . hunter @ spglobal . com
Senior Designer : Sue Abt , sue . abt @ spglobal . com
Associate Production Editor : Denise Shoukas , denise . shoukas @ spglobal . com
Designer : Hannah Kidd , + 44 203 253 2134 , hannah . kidd @ spglobal . com
Thorsten Schier / Shutterstock . com
Carrier competition to intensify with EU anti-trust , alliance changes : Cosco
Competition in the container shipping market will intensify with the European Union ’ s abolition of the antitrust exemption for carriers this year and the rejigging of shipping alliances , according to Cosco Shipping . https :// bit . ly / 3xFdv1t
Libin Jose / Shutterstock . com
Iraqi Persian Gulf port project moves forward
The UAE ’ s AD Ports Group will work with the Iraqi government to develop a container port in the northern Persian Gulf , as backers say the Red Sea disruption shows the potential for routing through Al-Faw Grand Port and overland into Europe . https :// bit . ly / 3xDKcfH
Sales : Cindy Cronin , Director APAC sales , 954.260.6061
Jean Gibbons , Senior Sales Executive West Coast , FL , GA sales , 706.469.7160
John Knowles , Senior Sales Executive EMEA , AU sales , + 44.777.997.4677
Allyson Marek , Senior Sales Executive Northeast sales , 862.754.8012
Elaine Nosaka , Senior Sales Executive VA , NC , SC , Canada sales , 703.447.9555
Judy Welp , Senior Sales Executive Midwest , Gulf , Latin America sales , 512.284.2878
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Breakbulk & Project Cargo Conference : April 24 – 26 , 2024 | New Orleans , Louisiana Inland Distribution Conference : September 30 – October 2 , 2024 | Chicago , Illinois
Journal of Commerce ( USPS 279 – 060 ), ISSN 1530-7557 , April 22 , 2024 , Volume 25 , Issue No . 9 . Journal of Commerce is published biweekly except the last week in December ( printed 25 times per year ) by JOC Group Inc ., 55 Water St ., 39th Floor , New York , N . Y . 10041 . Subscription price : $ 595 a year . Periodicals postage paid at New York , N . Y ., and additional mailing offices . © All rights reserved . No portion of this publication may be copied or reprinted without written permission from the publisher . POSTMASTER : Please send address changes to Journal of Commerce , Subscription Services Department , 55 Water St ., 39th Floor , New York , N . Y . 10041 .
Peter Tirschwell , Vice President- Shipping Intellience , S & P Global
Chris Brooks , Executive Director- Shipping Intelligence , S & P Global
Carmen Verenna , Manager , Production
© 2024 Journal of Commerce — All Rights Reserved For more information , visit our website , www . joc . com .
8 Journal of Commerce | April 22 , 2024 www . joc . com